Tarryn Love

Residency: September 5 – October 16, 2023

Tarryn Love is a proud Gunditjmara Keerray Woorroong woman, born and raised on Wadawurrung Country. She is a koorroyarr, teenyeen ngapang, tyeentyeeyt ngapangyarr and wanoong ngeerrang – granddaughter, youngest daughter, youngest sister and proud Aunty. Tarryn is an emerging artist, curator, and producer, and her practice exists in the space of creative cultural expression.

She creates under the collective of Koorroyarr which means ‘grandaughter’ in her Mother Tongue, honouring her positionality as a Gunditjmara woman. Koorroyarr represents that the sustainability of her cultural practice is in the sharing of knowledge and pays respect to her family and Ancestors, past and living. Tarryn’s work represents the distinctiveness of Gunditjmara ways of Knowing, Being and Doing that is not one way but constantly happening and changing. Overall, she aims to explore her identity in the here and now while centring language and carrying on the work of remembering, reclamation, regeneration, and revitalisation.

About the residency

During this residency Tarryn continued to explore and develop her creative and cultural practice. Experimenting with different materials and mediums, she researched and reflected on the methodology of her practice as a Gunditjmara woman in the here and now. More broadly, the work engaged with Tarryn’s interest in conversation, intergenerational knowledge transference, and community building.

“How do I wanga (hear/listen) and ngakee (see) my culture? How do I manarr (catch), keerna (gather) and mana (hold) this knowledge? How do I walata (carry) this understanding every day? How do I meeneerr (give) it respectfully and sustainably? This is a concern of woolay wolay keetawanta – futurity.”
Tarryn Love

This residency was part of a residency exchange effort in collaboration with Footscray Community Arts and supported by grunt gallery, providing residency and community engagement opportunities for two Indigenous artists and culture-bearers from Lower Mainland BC and from Melbourne, Australia. This program is partly funded by The Australia Council for the Arts. The two artists, Atheana Picha (Vancouver, CA) and Tarryn Love (Melbourne, AU), will trade places in a pair of 6-week overseas residency exchanges.

Click here to learn more  →

Photo of Tarryn Love. Credit: Leiko Lopez

Residency programs

October 1: Yarning Circle with Tarryn Love

October 14: Dilly Bag Weaving Workshop

This residency is supported by The City of Richmond and Branscombe House. Click here to learn more about Branscombe House and this partnership.