Skwetsimeltxw Willard ‘Buddy’ Joseph and Chepximiya Siyam’ Janice George
Research term: July/ August, 2019
Residency: February 15- March 31, 2020
Skwetsimeltxw Willard ‘Buddy’ Joseph and Chepximiya Siyam’ Janice George are accomplished weavers and teachers from the Squamish Nation. Chief Janice George graduated from Capilano University, North Vancouver BC, and the Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, NM, USA. She feels her education at these schools helped her excel as a teacher, adding to her most important traditional teachings. She is a hereditary chief, trained museum curator and educator. George also co-organized the 1st Canada Northwest Coast Weavers Gathering, with other Squamish Nation Weavers. George and Joseph are from prominent Squamish families and have numerous ceremonial and cultural responsibilities in their community. Joseph is the former director of the Squamish Housing and Capital Projects and currently consults on capital projects for First Nations communities. Together they co-founded L’hen Awtxw Weaving House to share the teachings and practice of traditional Coast Salish wool weaving.
The weavings that we create are the foundation of the culture; when we get a name, when we get married, when we get a Chieftainship, every way we move forward in life starts out with standing on a blanket in the Longhouse.
Chief Janice George
(courtesy of Portland Art Museum)